Campaign finance reports: electronic filing requirements created -  Act 230
elections _ officialsElections — Officials
Election inspectors or special voting deputies: method of selection revised -  Act 127
State canvassers, Board of, eliminated; functions transferred to Elections board [Sec. 1am, amt, n-zc, 8k, 85km, 85L]  -  Act 27
elections boardElections board
Campaign finance data base: funding allocated for software conversion and enhancement [Sec. 9129 (1m)]  -  Act 27
Campaign finance filing fees [Sec. 1m, zm, 694, 695, 9414 (1)] -  Act 27
Campaign finance reports: electronic filing requirements created -  Act 230
Elections advisory council eliminated [Sec. 1ami, zt, 85n] -  Act 27
Executive salary group reassigned for executive directors of Ethics board and Elections board -  Act 29
Joint municipal courts: Elections board duties re filing officer; agreement creation or abolishment notification provision -  Act 208
State canvassers, Board of, eliminated; functions transferred to Elections board [Sec. 1am, amt, n-zc, 8k, 85km, 85L]  -  Act 27
electric applianceElectric appliance
``Assisted living facility" changed to ``residential care apartment complex"; ``stove" defined -  Act 13
electric utilityElectric utility, see also Public utility
Advance plan and certificate of convenience and necessity requirements: certain exemption created [Sec. 3157m]  -  Act 27
Electric utilities: advance plans eliminated and strategic energy assessment established; certificates of public convenience and necessity revised; electric transmission system requirements; wholesale merchant plant prohibition; renewable energy source provision; PSC study required -  Act 204
Income and franchise tax: corporate income apportionment formula revised; credits for sales tax on fuel and electricity used in manufacturing limited; report required  -  Act 299
Municipal collection of delinquent electric bills [Sec. 2200td, tp] -  Act 27
Stray voltage program: fee imposed on rural electric cooperatives to fund [Sec. 171, 2499] -  Act 27
Utility work area: penalty doubled for certain traffic violations committed in -  Act 277
Manufacturing sales tax credit for fuel and electricity: alternative minimum tax and effective date [Sec. 284m, p, 286m, 293p, 294p, 297p, 9342 (3e), (6t)] -  Act 237
Stray voltage program: fee imposed on rural electric cooperatives to fund [Sec. 171, 2499] -  Act 27
Stray voltage research funding; includes economic effect on milk production [Sec. 170v, 2498v, 3160m] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
electronic data processingElectronic data processing, see Data processing
electronic mailElectronic mail, see Data processing
electronic signatureElectronic signature, see Data processing
elevatorElevator, see Housing
elks and easter seal center for respite and recreationElks and Easter seal center for respite and recreation
Funding for [Sec. 265mm, 2709t] -  Act 27
emergency medical service or technician _ems or emt_Emergency medical service or technician (EMS or EMT), see Medical service
DETF toll-free telephone number on all publications for distribution [Sec. 1316m] -  Act 27
General program operations: funding increased [Sec. 9215 (1)] -  Act 237
Judgment against the state under Retired teachers association versus Employe trust funds board: funding provided [Sec. 695g, h, 9415 (1z)] -  Act 27
Qualified domestic relations orders under WRS -  Act 125
Variable investment trust in WRS: RRC, DETF and Investment board to study feasibility of reopening [Sec. 9132 (1h)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Delinquent taxes: DOR access to new hire information [Sec. 333bm, bp] -  Act 237
Development zone job creation re 1997 WisAct 27: Wisconsin residency required for members of nontarget population  -  Act 41
Disclosure of certain records to DWD re support, paternity and medical liability support programs  -  Act 191
Health care benefits no longer provided by employer: notification requirements created [Sec. 354n, q, u-z, 677m, 9355 (1c)] -  Act 237
Health care coverage for child: notice to new employer of parent's obligation -  Act 191
Health care coverage loss by employes: OCI required to provide information and technical assistance; notification to OCI of business closing or mass layoff -  Act 51
Hiring reporting system and state directory of new hires: DWD duties set; provision re penalties and uses of information [Sec. 612m, 2631, 9426 (1h)] -  Act 27
Minority business development program revised; grants for economic development, education and training and employment opportunities [Sec. 199n, 4532b-4547m] [4532g, m — vetoed] -  Act 27
Private business employment of inmates and residents: number of projects reduced; public hearing required; provision re worker displacement and JCF approval; authority to suspend or expand manufacture of goods [Sec. 513e-r, 3909b, m, 3910ce, cf, 9111 (3g), (5c), 9411 (4g)] [513m, 3909b — partial veto; 3909m, 3910ce, cf, 9111 (3g), (5c) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Training grant for youth apprentice: award directly to employer permitted; formula revised [Sec. 2676, 2676d]  -  Act 27
Vocational-adult professional development seminar or workshop: fees authorized [Sec. 1186-1188]  -  Act 27
Wisconsin development fund grant and loan programs revised; research and grant program eliminated; origination fee authorized; job guarantee provision; manufacturing assessment grants [Sec. 196, 4480-4482, 4483m-4488, 4490, 4492c, 4495, 4496, 4498, 4499] -  Act 27
Working recipients of SSI and SSDI: DHFS to establish pilot project; federal waiver requested [Sec. 205, 9222 (1), (2)] -  Act 237
employment relations, department ofEmployment relations, Department of
Civil service reform measures; evaluation required -  Act 307
Code of ethics violations re public employes [Sec. 3308m] [vetoed] -  AB-100
DER public employe training functions: LAB to audit [Sec. 9132 (1g)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
DER training services to nonstate governmental units [Sec. 48m, 452b] -  Act 237
Disaster relief services: provisions created re leave of absence for state employes affiliated with the American Red Cross -  Act 118
Disclosure of certain records to DWD re support, paternity and medical liability support programs  -  Act 191
Exceptional performance awards for nonrepresented state employes eliminated -  Act 14
Executive salary group reassigned for executive directors of Ethics board and Elections board -  Act 29
JSCRS research director salary: DER Secretary to determine -  Act 2
Personnel commission: authority to hear appeals re DMRS decisions and duty to process complaints regarding family or medical leave (remedial legislation) -  Act 216
U.W. system senior executive salaries [Sec. 19m, 54c-x, 57b, d-j, L-t, 82eg, er, fm, xn, 83xem, 452c, g-t, 678p, 9152 (1dc), (1dd), 9452 (1)] -  Act 237
employment relations commissionEmployment relations commission
Efficiency measures requirement for certain executive branch agencies [Sec. 9156 (6ng)] -  Act 27
endangered resourceEndangered resource, see Natural resource
energy conservationEnergy conservation
Electric utilities: advance plans eliminated and strategic energy assessment established; certificates of public convenience and necessity revised; electric transmission system requirements; wholesale merchant plant prohibition; renewable energy source provision; PSC study required -  Act 204
Emergency assistance for families with needy children re natural disaster or energy emergency revised [Sec. 1789]  -  Act 27
Energy conservation audits and related construction projects in state-owned buildings; energy savings performance contracting repealed [Sec. 124m, 126-130, 131, 234, 243, 244, 245, 248, 271, 508, 647, 665, 686, 759]  -  Act 27
Rental unit energy efficiency program: revisions re requirements, citations and Comm.Dept authority  -  Act 288
environmental education boardEnvironmental education board
Administrative expense funding [Sec. 30r, 82zt] -  Act 237
EEB transferred from DPI to U.W. system; staff placed in unclassified service; grant funding provision [Sec. 75m, 257m, 263m, 277m, 757r, 1165m, 2745g, 3303p, 9140 (5n)]  -  Act 27
Agricultural hazardous wastes exemption from environmental repair fee [Sec. 3642] -  Act 27
Brownfields and environmental problem costs and development zones based on job creation or retention; certain existing tax credits discontinued; historic rehabilitation credit provision [Sec. 2261, 2261h-p, 2261t-2262, 2262r, 2263, 2265, 2267, 2274, 2275, 2275bm-2276, 2277, 2277m, n, 2279, 2280, 2285, 2285bp-2286, 2287, 2287mn, 2288, 2358, 2401, 4500-4506, 4512-4532, 9310 (6), 9343 (10ia)] [2262r, 2277n, 2287mn, 9343 (10ia) — vetoed] -  Act 27
Brownfields grant program created; memorandum of understanding required [Sec. 186c, 202m, 4351, 9110 (2), (3), (4)] -  Act 27
Brownfields redevelopment activities: purpose of business development assistance appropriation changed [Sec. 27]  -  Act 237
Brownfields redevelopment loan guarantee program created; certain existing WHEDA loan guarantee programs combined into Small business loan guarantee program; revision re beginning farmer program; bonding revision [Sec. 666, 1474, 1475, 2573, 2574, 2609-2611, 3327-3374, 3376-3384, 3389, 3390, 3609-3611, 4340, 4794] -  Act 27
Brownfields redevelopment project promotion: Permit information and regulatory assistance bureau to act as ombudsman [Sec. 4477] -  Act 27
Brownfields redevelopment projects: stewardship program provision [Sec. 763-765, 767, 768, 1140, 1141, 9337 (4)] [767 — partial veto] -  Act 27
Brownfields study by DNR [Sec. 9137 (6g)] [partial veto] -  Act 27